Jane V.
Vitiligo first appeared on both my hands ten years ago. I tried to deal with it, I went for light therapy but unfortunately no results....so time consuming...so I gave up.

It was spreading gradually, however this spring it was almost an extreme rise...I don't know what exactly happened. And then in the summer I decided to solve it, when I purchased a Dermalight lamp and Vitistop gel and tablets from you.
Otherwise, I am not being treated for any disease. I don't use any medication regularly. Only for a while in the spring for allergies... late spring pollen...but that's totally fine, just a mild case.
This summer I had a big blood test done for viti, just in case...and everything is fine. The Dr. literally told me that there is not a single value wrong that we need to do anything about...anything to address ... to catch something to possibly address the vitiligo.
First photo, September 2023, second today... 4 months difference. I would like to thank you very much for your valuable advice and products Vitistop gel, tablets...and also UVB lamp....it takes patience...but it pays off.